Category Education

iPad Version

Screenshots of the completed iPad version.
Its not in the App store as yet as still a bit of testing to be done but it looks great.




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Moreton Bay Innovation Awards – People Choice

Very happy to be selected as a nominee for the People’s Choice Award.

Check out Einstein’s Agent and cast your vote at

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Review of CodeCombat

Each week we will review some of the Educational Apps or Activities that have been added into the our Database. These Educational activities are automatically detected by Einstein’s Agent and points are awarded for performing these Activities.

Firstly, lets have a look at one of the Coding Sites – CodeComb...

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No More Homework Arguments

Until recently a common occurrence in my house was to argue with my 8 yr old to do her homework.

“Just a sec”… “Do I have to?” etc were the replies.

Her 11 year old sister was actually pretty good, and would do it without argument or prompting most days...

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New Version – now includes menu

Windows & Linux versions updated to now include a menu at the top left hand side.

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Download Windows & Linux Alpha Version Now

Very exciting – First version of Einstein’s Agent is now ready for Download.
It is available for both Windows and Linux.
Win Download

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Windows Alpha Version almost ready.

The Windows Alpha version is now ready, just waiting on the Installer so we can start testing.
If you would like to be involved in testing please follow us on our Facebook page. Thanks.

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Another screenshot of the soon to be released alpha version

Another screenshot of the soon to be released alpha version – which will eventually grow into a free “off-line” version of Einstein’s Agent. The free version does not interface with Khan Academy, so provides it’s own learning activities – seen here in the following screen shot...

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Alpha Version coming along nicely

EA Free Version 2015-10-13 09:36:01
This version doesn’t have the Khan Academy integration yet, which is why it has the maths questions just so kids can start earning some game minutes by doing these simple and not so simple questions...

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